The proof's in the pudding

Thanks for saving camp!

Thanks for saving camp!

News | August 2nd, 2020

In case you missed it, COVID-19 means we lost about $100,000 in funding. And so an epic mentor, Link, went on a mission to save camp!

Record numbers of mentor applications

Record numbers of mentor applications

News | July 3rd, 2020

Despite COVID-19, we've had a record number of mentor applications this year and are so excited to have our training days back up and running.

How lockdown affected the Upside community

How lockdown affected the Upside community

News | June 22nd, 2020

"During a crisis like the COVID-19 outbreak, families need their immediate, basic needs, food, housing and responsive relationships met before they can focus on anything else.” Harvard University, Centre on the Developing Child

$10,000 of dental work donated, one life changed

$10,000 of dental work donated, one life changed

Stories | May 7th, 2020

Andrew from Symonds Street Dental and Rachel from Eden Orthodontics generously donated free dental and orthodontic work to a young person for as long as they needed it. This came to about $10,000 worth of work!

We're building a new normal for connection

We're building a new normal for connection

News | March 24th, 2020

As we head into social isolation as a nation, our young people and their whānau need connection more than ever.

"Many of the mentors have been with our students through some of the toughest seasons of their lives."

"Many of the mentors have been with our students through some of the toughest seasons of their lives."

Evidence | March 13th, 2020

"We don't know where these young people might have been today had it not been for their relationships with their mentors who have been advocates, supporters, trustworthy confidants, listening ears, voices of wisdom and of immense care."

"At his 16th birthday party were mostly paid professionals involved in his messy childhood."

"At his 16th birthday party were mostly paid professionals involved in his messy childhood."

Stories | February 28th, 2020

At Josh's party was his OT social worker, a social worker from a group home he lived in, his foster mum and one other foster parent. No friends his own age.

What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?

What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?

Evidence | February 27th, 2020

What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are major contributing factors for poor youth development that can lead to negative health and social outcomes in adulthood.

"Invaluable in helping children build a trusting relationship with a positive role model."

"Invaluable in helping children build a trusting relationship with a positive role model."

Evidence | February 26th, 2020

We often get letters from our referrers which remind us why we do what we do.