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Celebrating Success: A Recap of Our Unforgettable Fundraising Soirée

News   |   May 28th, 2024

25  MBP5347

Beneath a clear autumn sky, our recent fundraising soirée unfolded as an evening filled with hope and the spirit of togetherness.
The event wasn't just a gathering—it was a powerful testament to what we can achieve when we come together for a cause that touches hearts. The night was dedicated to celebrating the successes and expanding the reach of Upside Youth Mentoring, with every moment soaked in the spirit of generosity.

Event Highlights

The soirée was illuminated by several unforgettable moments that left an indelible mark on our hearts:
Young Talents Shine

The spotlight beamed on a group of Panama Road School students who are part of the Upside programme, taking to the stage with a heartfelt rendition of Six60's "Pepeha". Their performance was in harmony with our collective aspirations for youth today.

Personal Stories

The air was thick with emotion as Pio Terei led engaging conversations with Joy (Learning Support Coordinator at Panama Road School), Pharryn (parent of a mentored child), and Chrissy (one of our dedicated mentors). Each narrative was a deep dive into the transformational journey through mentoring, spotlighting the immeasurable value of guidance and support in shaping young lives.

The Power of Community

The evening's success was a living testament to the power of community.
  • Our hearts are full of gratitude for the evening's hosts who opened their home, providing a beautiful backdrop for our soirée but also delighted our taste buds with exquisite cuisine.
  • The evening was made more special with the auction, featuring incredible items donated by our generous supporters, making the event not just memorable but also impactful.
  • The highlight of the night was the overwhelming generosity of the attendees, whose contributions helped raise over $34,000 to continue supporting Upside's mentoring programme, a testament to the collective spirit of giving and support.

The Impact

The soirée wasn't just an evening of celebration—it was a bridge to a brighter future for many at-risk youth. The funds raised will be used to grow our mentorship programme, offering more support and opening up opportunities across communities. Every dollar donated is a step closer towards empowering rangatahi to aspire, achieve and live their best life.

Recounting this unforgettable night, our hearts are full of thanks to each and every member of the Upside community. Your involvement and support fan the flames of our commitment to change the lives of young people. Together, we are not just dreaming of a better future; we are building it, one young legend at a time. Let's keep this spirit alive and continue to make a difference wherever we can. Because at Upside, we believe every young person deserves a chance to shine.

Thank you for standing with us.